Sample Markdown Cheat Sheet
This is a sample markdown file to help you write Markdown quickly :)
If you use the fabulous Sublime Text 2 editor along with the Markdown Preview plugin, open your ST2 Palette with CMD+P
then choose Markdown Preview in browser
to see the result in your browser.
Text basics
this is italic and this is bold . another italic and another bold
this is important
text. and percentage signs : % and %
This is a paragraph with a footnote (builtin parser only). [^note-id]
Insert [ toc ]
without spaces to generate a table of contents (builtin parser only).
Here is some indented text
even more indented
Big title (h1)
Middle title (h2)
Smaller title (h3)
and so on (hX)
and so on (hX)
and so on (hX)
Example lists (1)
- bullets can be
, or*
- bullet list 1
bullet list 2
- sub item 1
sub item 2
with indented text inside
bullet list 3
- bullet list 4
- bullet list 5
This is an example inline link and another one with a title.
Links can also be reference based : reference 1 or reference 2 with title.
References are usually placed at the bottom of the document
A sample image :
As links, images can also use references instead of inline links :
It's quite easy to show code in markdown files.
Backticks can be used to highlight
some words.
Also, any indented block is considered a code block.
<script> document.location = ''; </script>
GitHub Flavored Markdown
If you use the Github parser, you can use some of Github Flavored Markdown syntax :
- User/Project@SHA: revolunet/sublimetext-markdown-preview@7da61badeda468b5019869d11000307e07e07401
- User/Project#Issue: revolunet/sublimetext-markdown-preview#1
- User : @revolunet
Some Python code :
import random class CardGame(object): """ a sample python class """ NB_CARDS = 32 def __init__(self, cards=5): = random.sample(range(self.NB_CARDS), 5) print 'ready to play'
Some Javascript code :
var config = { duration: 5, comment: 'WTF' } // callbacks beauty un action async_call('/path/to/api', function(json) { another_call(json, function(result2) { another_another_call(result2, function(result3) { another_another_another_call(result3, function(result4) { alert('And if all went well, i got my result :)'); }); }); }); })
The Github Markdown also brings some nice Emoji support : :+1: :heart: :beer:
[^note-id]: This is the text of the note.
This plugin and this sample file is proudly brought to you by the revolunet team